Moving away to another place is never easy, especially for children. Chances are, they will protest and make an effort to make the entire process even harder for you.
Fortunately, there are some things you are able to do to make the transition smoother for all family members.

Be Prepared
First of all, don’t ever underestimate the amount of energy the move will drain out of you. No matter how hard it seems, it will be even harder. The key here is to plan, organize your time carefully and be prepared.
Even though not every situation is predictable, try to set up a system where you will have control over the key factors of movement. That way, you will be able to lower the stress levels and help your children feel calmer, safer and more optimistic.
At the same time, you will have more things done and be able to think about the ways your children might get involved and help the entire process go smoother.

Let Children Make Decisions
Before the move, it’s always beneficial to have a family meeting where you explain your reasons for the move and allow your children to express their thoughts, fears and complaints. Listen carefully and try to reassure them by pointing out the positive aspects of the movement.
Let your children take part in the decision-making process and allow them to choose the type of neighborhood they wish to live in, the kind of yard they want to have and the way their rooms will be painted and decorated.

Keep Them Busy
Organize various activities and assign tasks that will keep your children busy while you pack and unpack. In addition, with the right motivation, they will be able to become precious little troopers that will help you do some things even faster and with more efficiency.

Prior to the move, get rid of all the stuff you don’t need anymore, including old toys and clothes. Have your kids help you set up a yard sale and set aside all of the proceeds for something they want or ask them to donate their stuff to the ones that need them more.
That way, you are not only keeping your children busy, but also giving them the opportunity to feel less sad about leaving. It also helps them feel more optimistic about the new experiences the move will bring them.
However, do not insist on throwing, selling, or giving away the things your children are not ready to give up. It will just cause more anxiety in this emotionally-charged period of your lives.
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Seek Help
You don’t need to do everything alone. Seek help from your family members, neighbors, or friends to watch out for your children while you are getting things ready for the move.
To make sure everything will be prepared in time, get professional help to pack up all of your belongings.

Make It Fun
As moving to a new home is a process that can last up to several weeks, spare every free moment to spend with your children. They will feel especially vulnerable at this time, so try to make it a fun experience for them.
Go to the park, have picnics, visit the beach, or just hang out in your backyard. Reinforce your bonds, create valuable memories and make some room for the new ones. Make every moment count; visit all of your favorite places and take many photos.

Say Goodbye
It is not easy to say goodbye to your old neighborhood, no matter if you are moving only several blocks away or to another part of the country. That is why you should set up a party in your home and invite all of your children’s friends.
Exchange contact information with their parents and make sure your kids are able to stay in touch with their friends, no matter how far you move.

Say Hello
When you arrive to your new neighborhood, organize a new party to say hello. This will give your children the opportunity to meet kids their age and eventually build some new friendships.

Setting Up
When you move into the new home, set up their rooms and playroom first, so they have a space that gives them a chance to unwind and connect with the new surroundings.
When your children are all settled down, chances are, they will get hungry soon after. That is why you need to hurry and set up the kitchen next, right after their rooms and playroom.
Do the grocery shopping some time before and have pre-cooked meals that only need to be reheated for several minutes. When your kids are full, you will then be able to move on to the other areas of your home.
When you make the decision of moving away, there are always mixed emotions involved. With children, this process becomes more difficult – chances are, they are not going to like leaving the space, school and friends they are familiar with.
If this is their first move, the whole experience will be even more intense for them. However, if you plan your move carefully, you will be able to make the transition to a new home somewhat less stressful, especially with the help of professional movers like QSharks.
In summary, have your children vote on all of the important aspects related to your new home, let them choose the style and colors of their rooms, keep them busy by giving them assignments and keep them involved in the whole process.
To give them the chance to say goodbye, throw a memorable party and do the same when you move into your new neighborhood. This way, they will be introduced to kids their age.